General Rules
Attendance : No student shall be deemed to have pursued a regular course of study for B.Ed., D.Ed., M.Ed., M.P.Ed., B.P.Ed., and D.P.Ed., examination unless he has attended at least 65% of the full course of lectures and tutorials separately and 75% of practical's in a year. The name of a student remaining absent for 15 consecutive days after the commencement of classes or during the academic session without any notice shall be struck off from the rolls of the department/Institute. However, readmission may be made on a payment of fine of Rs. 1000/- within 15 days with the permission of the Vice-Chancellor. If a student fails to take re-admission within this prescribed time limit the seat will be declared vacant be filled according to University rules.
Other Provisions
1. No applicant shall be permitted to purse any other course with any of these programmes simultaneously.
2. The medium of instruction shall be English and questions papers should be set both in English and Hindi.
3. Before filling in and signing the application form for Entrance Examination read carefully the instructions given therein and also in the Prospectus.
4. Applicants should satisfy themselves about their eligibility before applying for admission.
5. Form for admission should be filled in by the applicant in his/her own hand neatly and legibly. Do not omit any details.
6. Applications which are found incomplete, defective and/or not accompanied by the requisite certificates can be rejected summarily. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. The receipt of an application be the office does not mean that the application has been treated as complete.
7. Applications received after the time and date prescribed (even through post) shall not be considered.
8. No plea will be entertained that the applicant was ignorant of the rules and regulations and other provisions of admission.
9. No condonation of delay is permitted for the submission of late form for whatever reason.
10. Ordinary the examination shall be held in the month of April/May.
11. All admission will be provisional and subject to production of the requisite certificate in original and confirmation there of by the university.
12. Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in the teaching depts./block.
13. Smoking is strictly Prohibited. It is a punishable offence.
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